What is a carbon footprint?
The Bilan Carbone is a diagnostic tool that measures a company's impact on the environment, and in particular on the climate. It is an exhaustive snapshot of greenhouse gas emissions over a given, fixed period, covering all direct and indirect emissions generated by a company's activities. This methodology is governed by the ABC and GHG Protocol standards, and is certified.
We chose the "HelloCarbo" platform to carry out our carbon assessment, and it went very well indeed!

We've got our balance sheet!
Far from being an end in itself, this carbon footprint is nonetheless a good first step in our environmental strategy. It has enabled us to pinpoint the areas in which we need to make the most progress.
Most of our employees were involved, in one way or another, in carrying out this carbon audit.
We now know that, on average, an employee consumes 5.4 tCO2 and that our main efforts will have to focus on travel. For the rest, our consumption is quite encouraging if we compare ourselves with companies of the same size.
Once we've understood the balance sheet, we'll move on to the reduction phase, which is the most important! We're going to define a trajectory to follow over the next few years, and receive our tailor-made reduction action plan from Carbo.
If you would like to find out more about our approach, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form below: